What We Do
TAC calls public attention to the importance of the Texas agriculture industry while providing a broad advocacy platform to address its challenges. Our goal is to grow a strong and spirited Texas agriculture industry supported by an engaged Texas public.
Advocacy & Legislation
TAC is a proud advocate for legislation that supports Texas farmers, ranchers, and agricultural businesses. We are eager to put our resources towards supporting and strengthening this vital industry.
Texas Landowners’ Right to Farm
Texas’ Right to Farm statute was enacted in 1981 to “conserve, protect, and encourage the development and improvement of its agricultural land for the production of food and other agricultural products.” The law limits the circumstances in which “agricultural operations may be regulated or considered to be a nuisance,” provided they present no public health or safety concern.
Despite these protections, burdensome municipal ordinances and nuisance actions have obstructed many lawful, compliant agricultural operations in Texas. The 88th Texas Legislature addressed this issue by strengthening and updating the state’s existing right to farm protections. TAC was active in the effort to pass HB 1750, HB 2308, and HJR 126, the bills that improved these protections.
HJR 126, also known as Proposition 1, proposed a Texas constitutional amendment protecting the right to engage in farming, ranching, timber production, horticulture, and wildlife management. Texans overwhelmingly approved this measure, enshrining these protections in the Texas Constitution.

Loans and Grants for Texas Agriculture
Farming, ranching, and other agricultural businesses are capital-intensive. The rising costs of land, machinery, infrastructure, and other inputs necessary to start and maintain a successful agricultural business mean that accessible capital is more important than ever.
The Texas Agricultural Finance Authority (TAFA) was established in 1987 to provide financial assistance, in the form of loans and grants, to eligible agricultural businesses. Programs administered through TAFA include the Young Farmer Grant Program, the Agricultural Loan Guarantee Program, and the Interest Rate Reduction Program. These programs are intended to support existing agricultural businesses and make it easier for new farmers and ranchers to get their start in the industry.
During the 88th Texas Legislature's regular session, TAC called specific attention to the need for additional funding and support for Texas' young farmers. The 88th Texas Legislature appropriated $500,000 to the Young Farmer Grant Program for the 2024-2025 biennium, the first direct appropriation in the program's history.
Texas' Rural Infrastructure Needs
Investment in infrastructure for Texas' rural communities is long overdue. In many of these communities, aging and poor water infrastructure reduces water system reliability and the quality of the water it delivers. Texas' growing water needs will place additional stress on this already inadequate infrastructure. Many Texas rural communities also lack access to high-speed broadband internet. This access increases the health, educational, and business opportunities that are available to our rural communities.
In 2023, the 88th Texas Legislature passed legislation to address each of these infrastructure concerns. The 88th Texas Legislature passed SB 28 to address Texas' water infrastructure needs. SB 28 creates the Texas Water Fund, designed to assist in financing water projects, and the Water Supply for Texas Fund, designed to increase Texas' water supplies by 7 million acre-feet over the next 10 years. The Legislature also passed HB 9, creating the Texas Broadband Infrastructure Fund to expand access to high-speed broadband internet in Texas. TAC was active in the effort to pass both bills.
SJR 75, also known as Proposition 6, proposed a Texas constitutional amendment to authorize the Texas Water Fund. HJR 125, also known as Proposition 8, proposed a Texas constitutional amendment to authorize the Texas Broadband Infrastructure Fund. Both were approved by Texas voters in November 2023.

Foreign Ownership of Texas Farmland
Texas leads the nation in farmland owned by foreign entities. According to a 2017 report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, foreign investors owned over 3 million acres of farmland in Texas. By December 2021, that number had grown to over 5.2 million acres. Entities from Canada, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany, and Mexico own the largest shares of foreign-owned land in Texas (USDA 2021). Oftentimes, this foreign investment in farmland brings important economic growth and development to Texas and its rural communities.
It is also important; however, to recognize the potential for foreign governments to threaten our state and national security with the acquisition of Texas farmland. China, a country with a history of counterintelligence and economic espionage efforts directed at the United States, warrants particular concern. As of 2021, entities from China owned 191,919 acres of Texas farmland.
Effective legislation will addresses these national security concerns while maintaining the opportunity for private property owners to sell their land to well-intentioned foreign entities with genuine business interests. Reporting is also an important component of legislation on this issue, as currently available data is limited.
Community Support
TAC Youth in Agriculture Scholarship
TAC offers $2,500 scholarships for two Texas high school seniors to pursue further education related to the agriculture industry. We hope to lower barriers for the next generation of Texas producers to learn the skills and knowledge necessary to make them successful members of the community. Click the link below to download and submit our scholarship application form.
Community Volunteering
TAC is eager to support organizations working to fight food insecurity, strengthen our state’s rural and urban communities, and educate the next generation of Texas producers. We volunteer regularly with local organizations leading this effort.

Agriculture Education
TAC Newsletter
TAC publishes a newsletter to provide our community with industry information, content from experts across agriculture, and insight into the progress of our legislative advocacy. To learn more about Texas agriculture and the issues that affect all Texans, follow us on social media.
Resources for the Industry
Agriculture is a capital-intensive industry with unique risks and challenges. Fortunately, grants, loans, and other resources help reduce risk and increase available capital. Links to some of these resources are provided below.